Like several other professional sports teams, the Cleveland Cavaliers will now be sending out location-aware notifications to iPhone users at its games using Apple’s Bluetooth beacon iBeacon tech. The team will send out the usual reminders, video content, and promos available to those at the game. 

The team announced today that the notifications (pictured above) will be sent to fans through the official Cleveland Cavaliers app. YinzCam, Inc develops the app and is using Gimbal Bluetooth beacon hardware at the Cav’s Quicken Loans Arena to get the job done.

The opt-in notifications will include the following:

  • Welcome messages and exclusive video content for fans as they enter and explore different areas of the arena
  • Exclusive content delivered by points of interest, such as the 1976 Miracle of Richfield video highlights, viewable when fans pass the display of the original hardwood classic court from the Richfield Coliseum
  • Promotional incentives and giveaways to fans who attend games
  • Reminders about game times and to pick up 50/50 raffles tickets when volunteers are close by
  • Fan-controlled privacy with up-front opt-in, so engagement is only on the terms the fan wants

The MLB was one of the first professional sports team to adopt the tech for beaming location sensitive notifications to attendees at games, while the Golden State Warriors became the first NBA team to take advantage last year followed by several others. 

The Cleveland Cavaliers app is available on the App Store now.