French site iGen has posted what it claims are screenshots from Foxconn, which – if genuine – confirm a number of details from earlier reports, and to reveal the dimensions of prototypes of both iPhone 6 models. The screenshots appear to be fuller versions of the raised camera schematic posted by Apple Club Taiwan a couple of days ago.

It should be noted that there is no way to know when these prototypes were created (though some photos appear to date back to February), and that dimensions of the production model could change. The 4.7-inch model (code-named N61) is shown as measuring 138.14x97x6.9mm, while two different 5.5-inch prototypes (code-named N56) are shown, the larger of them measuring 158.07×77.79×7.1mm. The codenames are consistent with ones we’ve seen before, but are well-known so this is not evidence that the screenshots are genuine … 

Curiously, the weights of the two 5.5-inch prototypes differ significantly: 168.5g vs 184.6g, suggesting that Apple was still exploring different component options at the time these prototypes were created.

The bottom model – codenamed the N51 – is the existing iPhone 5s.

Both iPhone 6 models are shown with the protruding camera seen a couple of days ago. The actual image leaked then can now be seen to be from the 5.5-inch model, but the camera also extends beyond the casing in the 4.7-inch version by the same maximum distance of 0.77mm.

A screen-shot showing all angles of the 4.7-inch model appears to confirm a couple of widely-reported details which are now familiar from countless mockups: a unibody design with two antenna-breaks (whose aesthetics have been the topic of much discussion in the comments here), and the reshaped volume buttons.

iGen also claims Apple experimented with a 2.5mm audio jack in place of the standard 3.5mm one, but later abandoned this idea, apparently for cost reasons. It’s likely that Apple would need to have included a 3.5mm to 2.5mm adapter in the box to prevent objections to the change, and it may be this that made it too expensive. We learned back in June that Apple had introduced MFi specs for a Lightning connector for headphones.

We’re expecting the iPhone 6 to be officially launched on 9th September, possibly with a sharper display than the 5s/5c. Sketchier reports say that it will support the emerging LTE-Advanced high-speed mobile data standard, but only at 150Mbps rather than the maximum 300Mbps. We’ve also heard rumors of NFC for mobile payment, but we’ve heard those rumors every year for the past 2-3 years.