Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) is reporting that Apple saw it’s U.S. mobile market share climb from 28% in March 2015 to 40% a year later. Samsung climbed one percentage point from 36% to 37% in the same period.

The 40% number for current market share is bang in line with that reported by Park Associates back in February, but the year-ago 28% number seems a little more suspect. Park also put Samsung’s share at 31% while CIRP has the company at 37%. CIRP’s numbers are based on a consumer survey with a rather small sample of just 500 people, so should be viewed with some skepticism.

Strategy Analytics provided its take on Apple’s worldwide market share for 2015 back in January, suggesting then that the company climbed 1.1% to hit 16.1% while Samsung’s global share dropped 2.5% to 22.2%. The company didn’t provide any breakdown by country.