IDMB rating N/A Rottentomatoes N/A Metacritic: N/A The plot of the Movie In the wake of starting up a lost 80s endurance repulsiveness game, a youthful coder releases a secret revile that destroys reality, compelling her to go with unnerving choices and face destructive results.

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Heads of the Movie

Name: Toby Meakins Age: 43 ( Not affirmed) Ethnicity: British Calling: Director/Producer/Screenwriter/Writer/ Known For: Floor 9.5, Breathe, Secrets of Angels, Lot254, The Magic Mile, Choose or Die Look at more about Toby

Name: Asa Butterfield Age: 25 (April 1, 1997) Ethnicity: British Calling: Actor Known For: Choose or Die, Flux Gourmet, Greed, Slaughterhouse Rulez, Time Freak, Then Came You, The Space Between Us Look at more about Asa

Name: Eddie Marsan Age: 58 (9 June 1968) Identity: British Calling: Actor Known For: The Man Who Knew Too Little, This Year’s Love, Janice Beard, The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Bunker, Gangs of New York, AfterLife, The Rocket Post Look at more about Eddie

Name: Robert Englund Age: 74 (June 6, 1947) Ethnicity: American Calling: Actor Known For Buster and Billie, Slashed Dreams/Sunburst, Hustle, Stay Hungry, Eaten Alive, The Great Smokey Roadblock