What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic is neither a new discipline nor a practice. It is a branch of medicine that uses hand manipulation of patients’ joints, spine and other pain points specially and professionally by chiropractors (chiropractic doctors) to treat pains ranging from the severe lower back to neck pains. This practice minimizes the use of drugs and medicines and recommends the use of lifestyle changes, foods, and exercise to supplement the healing process.

Cost of Chiropractic Care

There appears to be a rising interest in chiropractic care with about 35million Americans said to receive chiropractic treatment annually. The average cost of chiropractic treatment in the US is $65 and ranges from $30 to several hundreds of dollars due to several factors outlined below.

Factors Determining Cost of Chiropractic Care

In considering the cost of chiropractic care treatments you will need to realize early on that lots of factors determine its cost. Knowing these factors will eventually help you weigh-in to make the optimum decision that is well worth every cent.

Advanced Tool

Advanced tools are sometimes quite necessary for successful diagnosing of problems and administering proper treatment. However, these impact the overall cost of treatment with higher costs. Below are some advanced treatment tools and their corresponding cost.


MRI is the gold standard in imaging patients. When X-rays are not enough, MRI is used to determine swellings and pain points on soft tissues and joints. This test can be in the range of $100 – $400.


This exposes you to x-rays to determine your posture and wellbeing. Also, it is done all through the treatment process to monitor treatment progress. This costs between $45 – $150


This is an alternative procedure for patients avoiding x-rays. Thermography tests heat and energy emitted by nerves and tissue to identify areas of pain and discomfort. It costs between $200- $500.


This treatment uses heated pads over the skin area of the pain point to relax the tissue. It costs between $10 – $40. 

Electrical Muscular Stimulation

This involves transmitting energy through electrodes over pain points to reduce swellings and eliminate pains and discomforts. A common procedure is TENS. Electrical Muscular Stimulation can cost between $20 – $250.

Chiropractic Roller Table

Chiropractic roller tables are advanced forms of traditional adjustment tables. Since they require extra investment, using them in a procedure will reflect in the increase in the cost of treatment.

Ultrasound Therapy

This therapy employs the use of ultrasonic waves to pain points to bring relief of pain, and improve joint movement and loosening of muscles. This procedure will usually cost $20 per session.

Hydrotherapy Systems

This approach uses baths and saunas where joints and pain points are exposed to cold and hot water to stimulate healing and relieve pains and discomfort. This treatment generally costs between $50 – $500


Costs of chiropractic services tend to vary across cities and countries. These are influenced by economic and other factors peculiar to that location. To illustrate this receiving chiropractic care in an urban area would cost more than in a rural setting.

Consultation Fee

On your first visit, you will be required to pay a consultation fee as chiropractors will perform a health check and other exams. The average consultation fee on the first visit can be between $61 – $161 while x-rays can range from $44 to $159.


Insurances you certainly pay less for chiropractic care. Before proceeding, you sure should also check if your chiropractor accepts insurance and if your insurance covers that care. The average cost for care without insurance is about $125 per session.

Chiropractor Expertise

Highly experienced chiropractors tend to be more expensive when compared to less experienced counterparts. One can be tempted to choose the less experienced chiropractors based on cost, but one question you should ask yourself is if you would want to jeopardize your comfort and safety? 

Treatment Plan

After determining the cause and nature of the problem, a suitable treatment plan is then drafted. This will include any selection of the above tools and procedures listed above and the number of visits.


If you were concerned about seeing a chiropractor because you felt the cost may be too high or have some other concerns, am sure you may want to reconsider because chiropractic care is cost-effective and affordable. It’s fast becoming an alternative for treating conditions arising from spinal conditions.

Is it worth it to spend so much on Chiropractic?

Well, it depends on your definition of “much”. However, when you lose a valuable thing, you would want to do your utmost to regain it. Likewise, your health. Constant backpains would leave no option but to consider visiting a chiropractor. 

Are there low-cost chiropractors?

Well, if you are looking for good value for your money, then consider looking for experienced and well-recommended chiropractors. Some chiropractors will be willing to give discounts on their services.

Is Chiropractic care is covered by insurance providers

Yes. But you may want to run a check to confirm if your provider covers the chiropractor’s costs before you proceed.

How many visits do I have to make?

Well, this depends on the judgement of the chiropractor. Treatment plans are drawn after determining your condition, best treatment tools and techniques required.