With a Chipotle account, you can make transactions and gain reward points which you use to purchase items. When a Chipotle account is hacked, it usually means that your reward points can be lost, the hacker could make orders that you’ll be charged for and may gain access to your credit card information.

Reasons Why Chipotle Account Gets Hacked

Hacking is usually a result of security reasons and in this case, there are two reasons. They include:

Weak password: You will notice that when you are opening an account, you are advised to create a strong password. That is a password which includes letters, numbers, and symbols. Not having a strong password or a common password (either to you or generally) puts your account at the risk of getting hacked. Security Breach from Chipotle: If your passwords are strong and peculiar to your Chipotle account, chances are the reason for the hack was a result of a breach in security from Chipotle’s end. You will need to reach out to them to make your complaints.   

How to Know When Your Chipotle Account Has Been Hacked

Hacking a fast-food account like Chipotle’s is unlike hacking a laptop, phone, or social network. With those, you have several pointers you could look out for to know your account has been hacked, but with a fast-food account like Chipotle’s, the pointers may not come until the damage has been done. 

However, there are two ways you can tell when your Chipotle Account gets hacked. 

The first is through unusual activities on your credit card. You need to check your daily spending. If there is a strange debit on your card or activities you did not authorize, you need to take action. You can know when your Chipotle account gets hacked through the viewing activity on your Chipotle account. If you notice viewing times on your account that do not match your activity or the time you used the account, then this might be a hacking activity.

So how do you take action?

What to do When Your Chipotle Account Gets Hacked

Call your credit card company: Calling Chipotle might be the first thing that comes to mind, but instead of doing that, you would want to reach out to your credit card company first, lay your complaint or observation and ask them to freeze your card. This would put an end to further debit alerts on your card, then you can go ahead with step two.  Reach out to Chipotle: After you have ensured our credit card is blocked, then can you reach out to Chipotle. You can do this either by calling their customer care line or sending an email to them via chipotle. com/contact-us. In reaching out to Chipotle, you will want to state exactly what happened. This would enable Chipotle to transfer any reward point or service bonus you have on your account to a new one. Reporting the case is also important because it helps Chipotle take measures in strengthening their security and helping customers strengthen theirs too.  

How to Avoid a Subsequent Chipotle Account Hack

The first thing you should do is open a new Chipotle account because the previous account has been compromised and you would be setting up yourself for more distressing situations by choosing to stick with it (even if it means losing points, bonuses or advantages that came with the previous account).  While opening your new account, ensure your password contains certain alphabets, numbers and symbols to make it a strong one. If you can change your bank details, like app passwords, or credit card pins.  Open your new Chipotle account without your credit card information. That is, instead of charging your purchase to your credit card, you can make future payments through Apple pay.  


You do not have to wait for your account to get hacked before you take preventive measures to avoid it. Check your Chipotle account, if you do not have a strong password, you will want to adjust it as mentioned above. Also, ensure you are very observant with activities within your account, so you could easily tell when something is wrong before it gets out of hand. Lastly, consider removing your credit card details from your account and try making payments in other ways like using Apple pay. 

However, if you have been a victim of this fraudulent act, trust the details in this article can help you in resolving this issue. 

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