Although Netflix’s hit series Chilling Adventures of Sabrina takes place in the mortal realm, the majority of the main characters featured on the series are gifted with magical abilities in some way. Most of them are witches and warlocks, but they range from characters with singular special gifts to the literal devil himself.

It’s hard to say which characters are the most and least powerful, but it’s easy to get an idea based on everything we’ve seen them do. So here is every magical character on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, ranked from the least to the most powerful.

Roz Walker

When it comes to superpowers that might keep her and her friends alive, Roz Walker is undoubtedly ahead of the curve and has a huge advantage that the normal people around her can’t compete with.

However, her cunning may be a leg up in comparison to the average human, but unfortunately when it comes to the other magically inclined folks in Greendale she’s still at the bottom of the barrel. Roz’s powers are no joke, but they can’t match the witches and warlocks that surround her either.

Nicholas Scratch

In all fairness to Nick, he is a naturally very powerful individual and clearly not to be trifled with. His body was strong enough to contain the Dark Lord himself, so that would certainly hint at the fact that he’s working with some serious mojo.

However, regardless of how much power he actually has, he at the very least is lacking the skills of many of the other magical characters in the series. He’s about as skilled as the average teen student at the Academy of Unseen Arts, which still puts him behind most of the other main characters.

Prudence Night

Who knew that being a mean girl could make someone a better magician? Prudence is the queen bee of the class at the Academy, and her magical power seems like it could be a chicken or egg situation.

Meaning, did she become popular because she was gifted with the exceptional Blackwood magical blood? Or did her skills develop because she was the most popular girl in school, and she liked to use her abilities to torment her underlings? Either way, Prudence is clearly near the top of the heap at the Academy.

Faustus Blackwood

As much as we hate to admit it, Faustus Blackwood is pretty undeniably one of the most powerful and skilled warlocks in the entire Chilling Adventures of Sabrina universe.

He didn’t ascend to the highest role in his church for nothing, and as we saw in the latest season, his skills in the dark arts are truly extraordinary. Although he’s not the most exceptional character in the series, he’s not anyone that the average magic user would ever want to trifle with, and he has managed to evade his enemies for this long for a reason.

Hilda Spellman

It’s hard to say whether or not Hilda or Zelda is the more powerful Spellman sister, but since Hilda is at the very least more judicious with the use of her power, we’re going to give the slight edge to Zelda.

But regardless of who’s better, it’s hard to argue that Hilda isn’t one of the most powerful witches in the entire fictional universe of Sabrina. She has got it all, she was born with exceptional power and she’s exceptionally skilled in magic, which makes her one of the most powerful characters in the series.

Zelda Spellman

Zelda may or may not be more powerful than Hilda is, but one thing is for certain, she is definitely willing to use her powers more often than Hilda is. And Zelda may be a devotee of the Dark Lord, but once Lucifer set his sights on Sabrina she was the first of the Spellmans to break rank and let it be known that nothing was going to come for her niece.

So taking into consideration that Zelda had no qualms about standing up to the most magically gifted being in the world, it would seem that her power can’t be underestimated either.

Edward Spellman

The entire Spellman family appears to be incredibly magically gifted, but unlike his sisters Hilda and Zelda, Edward Spellman was actually an exceptional enough warlock that he kind of revolutionized the entire Satan-devoted world.

Parenthood is a great motivator for change, and that is presumably what inspired Edward to create a magical trap for the devil himself. Clearly that took a lot of ingenuity alongside a lot of fundamental magical power, but the fact that Edward could contain Lucifer demonstrates a pretty extraordinary level of magical power.


As the devil’s right hand man, or right hand woman as it were, it comes as no surprise that Madame Satan AKA Lilith was gifted with more power than nearly anyone.

When the devil is the one doling out the power and when he believes that he’s got you in the palm of his hand, why wouldn’t he give you the most power out of anyone? Lilith’s power may have dwindled after her betrayal of Lucifer, but as his first follower she spent a whole lot of time as his most powerful acolyte.

Sabrina Spellman

With the exception of Roz, every magical main character in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina gets their magic from the Dark Lord. So understandably, Sabrina Spellman, the offspring of the Dark Lord himself, is really the second most powerful character in the entire show.

Sabrina spent most of her life believing that she was half mortal and half witch, but the truth is that she was half mortal and half fallen angel. And that means that she is one of the most powerful creatures in the entire mortal realm.


Well, who else could top this list besides the Dark Lord himself? Lucifer is a veritable fountain of magic, and it is only through him that the witches and warlocks that we see on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina only have their magic in the first place (as he handily demonstrated this season when he began taking away their powers).

And boy, is he one powerful source. It’s extraordinary to think that it’s this one person who gives all of the witches and warlocks that worship him their powers, but he truly tops all of the other characters on this list combined.