In the world of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, the witchy aunt duo of Zelda and Hilda Spellman are iconic in name and miraculously live up to the legend in real life too. They have done everything they could to make Sabrina’s half-witch, half-mortal life as fulfilling and comfortable as possible, and they both bring some unique personality traits and skill sets to the table.

These are 5 reasons why Zelda Spellman is the best aunt on CAOS, and 5 reasons why Hilda is actually the superior Spellman in this legendary witch family.

Zelda: Because She And Sabrina Are A Lot Alike

Although it might not seem like it at first glance, it seems like Sabrina and Zelda are extremely similar in a lot of important ways. Namely, they both know how to think independently and they’re both natural leaders.

These personality traits sometimes leave Sabrina and Zelda at odds with one another, but ultimately they are fundamentally cut from the same cloth. Sabrina may not be a Spellman by blood, but she is certainly a Spellman in spirit, and she gets a lot of that Spellman spirit from Zelda.

Hilda: Because She’s Nurturing

Out of the entire Spellman family, it seems fair to say that Hilda Spellman is without a doubt the kindest. Many people around her seem to mistake her kindness for weakness, but Sabrina definitely does not.

Sabrina sadly lost her parents when she was just a baby, and while Edward and Diana couldn’t be replaced, Hilda is undoubtedly the most maternal presence that Sabrina has had in her life. Everyone needs some basic comfort and kindness when they’re a kid, and Hilda was more than ready and willing to provide that for Sabrina.

Zelda: Because She’s Strong

The ladies of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina are one bunch that no one wants to mess with, but it’s hard to imagine a tougher or more formidable witch than Zelda Spellman herself.

Zelda might seem like one of the most devoted members of the Church of Night, but what was astounding is that the instant that Sabrina’s innocence or free will was in question, Zelda didn’t hesitate for a moment to stand up against the Dark Lord and make it clear that no one messes with the Spellman’s, not even Lucifer himself.

Hilda: Because She’s Kind

Sabrina truly has two moms in Zelda and Hilda. And while Zelda is the ferocious mama bear, Hilda is the mom who gives Sabrina the kind of nurturing and love that every child and teenager needs.

Both of them are vital elements of Sabrina’s overall development, but to be honest, if Sabrina had grown up with Zelda alone then she would have been severely lacking in a lot of necessary tender, loving care. Hilda is actually as tough as Zelda is deep down, but she also has a kind heart that warms everyone around her.

Zelda: Because She’s The Consummate Witch

Up until the very moment that Zelda discovered that Lucifer had set his sights on Sabrina, she was an incredibly devoted witch who encouraged Sabrina to tap into her magical side as much as possible. She truly loves magic, and wants Sabrina to share that love.

But once she had realized that the Dark Lord had gone down a path that Zelda didn’t want to follow, instead of having a crisis of faith, Zelda did what everyone should aspire to do. She decided to make herself into someone worth following, and took charge of the Church of Night.

Hilda: Because She Knows How To Balance Witch Life And Human Life

There are very few people in the magical world who encourage Sabrina to explore anything outside of it. And it’s easy to see why, because if you have access to magic then why bother with the mundane mortal world?

But Zelda really gets why Sabrina is so ingrained in her mortal half as well, and she supports and encourages Sabrina to live the life that she wants to, even if that includes her mortal friends and loved ones, and even if that means she has to help Sabrina clean up the messes she occasionally makes in the mortal world.

Zelda: Because She’s Badass

Every member of the Spellman family has gone through it one way or another, but Zelda Spellman is honestly the kind of person that everyone likes to imagine themselves to be when they’re truly up against the ropes.

Zelda seemed to be the most faithful member of the family, but when she had to stand up against her High Priest and when she had to stand up against the Dark Lord himself, she didn’t hesitate or make a single wrong move in either instance.

Hilda: Because She’s Relatable

Zelda is probably the kind of witch that everyone likes to imagine that they would be, but in reality most people would probably be a Hilda Spellman instead. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that though!

Hilda can be clever and brave when she needs to be, but for the most part she’s just a normal person who is trying to look out for herself and her family. She’s incredibly easy to relate to and everyone can see a little bit of themselves in her, which is ultimately a very good thing.

Zelda: Because She Values Sabrina Over Everyone

It doesn’t matter who you are, everyone in this world wants their parents to protect them and value them over anyone else in this world. And Zelda may not be Sabrina’s biological mom, but she certainly is her mother in spirit.

And while most parents will protect their children, it’s hard to say if most parents would defy their literal god in order to keep their child happy and allow them to maintain their normal life. But Zelda Spellman did just that when Lucifer wanted to marry Sabrina at far too young an age.

Hilda: Because She Really Gets Sabrina As A Person

When it comes down to it, both Hilda and Zelda are ride or die aunts, and Zelda has more than demonstrated her willingness to put it all on the line for the sake of Sabrina. However, Zelda and Sabrina can also butt heads pretty often, and Zelda typically thinks she knows what’s best for Sabrina more than Sabrina does.

What’s great about Hilda is that she not only accepts Sabrina for who she truly is, but she understands Sabrina’s wants and needs, and is willing to make the necessary sacrifices in order to allow Sabrina to be the person she wants to be.