In the third part of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina we see Sabrina struggle with the decision to leave Nick in hell, where he’s a human prison to her father, Lucifer Morningstar. She loves Nick, and she wants him out. In addition, she struggles with her two paths: her human and witch side on Earth, and her destiny to rule hell. She loves her family, but she feels pulled to rule hell.

Previously, Nick and Harvey represented her human and witch/supernatural world. She was interested and torn between both. Now, Nick seems to represent her human and supernatural world as well as her values in that world. Caliban represents the hell world and what she could be. As such, just as she’s attracted to her two paths, she’s attracted to both of these men.

Nick: Is Her Friend

Before they were a couple, Sabrina saw Nick as her friend. While it could be said that Nick was always interested in Sabrina romantically, he accepted this friendship, and he helped her out. When she needed more information from classes that she wasn’t yet allowed to attend, Nick helped her. He also told her about her father’s legacy, the man she knew as her father, rather than who she found out was her bio-dad.

When they decide to not be a couple, Sabrina’s friendship is still important to Nick. He is someone who will always value Sabrina, and who will always want to be in her life–whether as friend or boyfriend.

Caliban: Challenges Her

Built from the clay of hell, Caliban calls himself a prince of Hell, stating that he should rule. Many others in hell support Caliban, so Caliban and Sabrina embark in a series of challenges in order to see who can claim the rule of hell. There are three powerful objects that they have to obtain. Throughout this hunt, Caliban challenges Sabrina to be clever and think on her feet. Additionally, he’s not going to just accept her blood claim as proof that she can rule hell. She has to prove it.

Sabrina enjoys a good challenge, and Caliban presents her the opportunity to expand what she thinks she is capable of doing and being.

Nick: Sacrifices Himself For Her

In Part 2, Nick makes the ultimate sacrifice. He agrees to become a human prison for Lucifer in order to protect Sabrina and the others. This gesture is presented as noble, one in which he doesn’t hesitate. We see in Part 3, the hell that he goes through, tormented by Lucifer. Even after he’s freed of Lucifer, there’s still residue left in him. He’s contaminated and becomes addicted to pain, for a while.

Not many boyfriends would agree to be sacrificed like this. Nick cares for Sabrina and others, and that love and compassion lead him to make this sacrifice. Unlike other shows, we actually see the painful outcome of that decision, making us feel for Nick and his gesture even more.

Caliban: Willing to Compromise For Her

Although Caliban really wants to rule hell, seeing it as his right, he changes his direction for Sabrina. Ultimately, he makes her a proposition in the form of a proposal. He is willing to rule hell with her, as equals, if they marry and become king and queen of hell. Sabrina asks him if he would leave Earth alone since Caliban wanted to make it the tenth circle of hell. Even though Caliban really wanted to take over Earth, he’s willing to let that go if they marry and rule together.

While we think that if they had married Sabrina would’ve taken the reins in the relationship, it’s good to see that Caliban would compromise. Rather than win the challenges and work against her, he would have been willing to share the glory and work with her. However, Sabrina wasn’t too keen on the proposal, although that could change.

Nick: Have Grown Together/Experienced Magical Feats

Though Nick and Sabrina haven’t grown up together as she has with her human friends, they have grown together in their magical lives. They have both experienced magical feats and challenges. Additionally, they learned that (for the most part), they can depend on each other. Out of all of the witches and warlocks at the Academy of Unseen Arts, Nick was the first and maybe the only one to really welcome Sabrina.

Throughout their time at the academy, they have had their belief systems challenged. This intense and, at times, traumatic experience bonded them. Since they both know each other so well, they make good partners. They know each other’s weaknesses and strengths.

Caliban: Immortal

Sculpted from the clay of hell, Caliban is both handsome and will never age. Due to this, he can go through additional challenges that Nick couldn’t. He can wait for years for Sabrina if needed, he is immortal and patient. Even though he is currently in stone, he can be awakened. When Sabrina tricked him and left him behind in one of their three challenges, he waited years in that reality before returning. Then when he returned, he looked the same.

Based on his immortality, Caliban could help Sabrina out in her spells, time travels and saving those that she loves. Additionally, he has knowledge from his clay-predisposition that could help Sabrina out in a pinch.

Nick: Knows Her World, Both Supernatural and Human

Nick knows where Sabrina comes from; he knows The Academy of the Unseen Arts, her family, and her human friends. He knows what is most important to her in the world. Because he knows this and he cares about her, he’s willing to try to protect it as well. While he doesn’t have a human side, he does understand her pull to that world. Previously, he’s mentioned to her his envy of human emotions.

This common ground unites the two. Whereas Caliban would sooner demolish Earth, both the human and supernatural side, Nick wouldn’t. It’s important to her, and it’s important to him.

Caliban: Recognizes Her Potential as Queen of Hell

While Nick knows her present and past, Caliban knows her potential. Part of Sabrina’s destiny is to rule hell, so the prophecies have said. Although she doesn’t want to want this, Sabrina is intrigued by the role and the power. Part of her is proud to be a Morningstar, proud that she has Lucifer’s power and blood in her veins.

Caliban doesn’t see Sabrina as a human or a witch; he sees her as part of hell, the potential queen. So much is he attracted and intrigued by her, he is willing to compromise and rule hell with her, rather than attempt to beat her.

Nick: Loves Her and Is Challenged By Her

Ultimately, Nick does love Sabrina. He hasn’t felt this way about any of his other romantic interludes. He’s willing to stop his bad habits for her. Nick is challenged to be the better Nick by her, to reach his potential. With her, Nick grows, becomes stronger, and starts to understand friendship and loyalty to an even greater extent.

We’re sad that they aren’t currently together, but this love still is there. Nick went through hell in Part 3, and he needs time to recover. In addition, Sabrina needs to focus on bigger things whether that be her family or ruling hell. In the next part, we can see these two reuniting, hopefully.

Caliban: Has No Other Potential Romantic Interest

Caliban has eyes only for Sabrina, perhaps partly because the dating pool is so small in hell. Still, while Nick is hooking up with other witches and engaging in sex games with demons, Caliban only wants Sabrina. There is no one else to divert his attention.

Sabrina wouldn’t have to wonder if Caliban was with someone else. She wouldn’t have to wonder if he had ever been intimate with one of her friends. For Caliban, Sabrina is the only woman he’d ever want or care about. Apart from hell, she’d be his world.