In Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Sabrina attends a magic school called The Academy of Unseen Arts. But what if she went to a different magical school? J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books focused on Hogwarts in Britain, but Rowling also created Ilvermorny for the American witches and warlocks in the Potterverse.

With houses representing the four main aspects of a witch or wizard (mind, heart, body, and soul), the Ilvermorny sorting is a little different than Hogwarts. The houses choose first, and if there’s a dispute the student chooses between them. If Sabrina and her community could attend, which houses would pick them, and which house would they pick in turn?

Hilda Spellman: Pukwudgie

Hilda is a compassionate, genial person. She’s willing to break the rules to protect her family, and her skills in cooking, healing, and potions make her an asset. She’s always there to reassure Sabrina about things like not wanting to do her dark devotions, and she’s ready to protect the underdog.

She demonstrates this when protecting Theo from bullies in the bookstore and when helping Sabrina talk to some ghosts of children who were harrowed. Pukwudgie would be the first house to claim Hilda since she definitely leads with her heart and she’d fit right in.

Zelda Spellman: Horned Serpent

Zelda Spellman is an excellent match for Horned Serpent, the house of the mind. She goes for what she wants, and she can be very clever about it. She’s whip-smart and refuses to be manipulated, which she demonstrates when she wakes from Faustus Blackwood’s spell after their honeymoon. She pretends to still be in thrall so she can sabotage his various plans undercover.

It’s possible that Wampus house would also want her; she’s a fighter, and her love of power could be considered a materialistic and therefore bodily desire. Between the two, Zelda would choose the serpent.

Father Blackwood: Horned Serpent

Horned Serpent would be first to claim Faustus Blackwood. He may be evil, but he’s a man of many talents. He demonstrates this in his various roles as a priest, lawyer, and school headmaster, showing the breadth of his arcane knowledge. Extremely manipulative and deceitful, Faustus can spin just about anything with the ease of a used car salesman or a politician.

Wampus may challenge for him, given that he loves his sins of the body; he has an affair with Zelda and turns out to be Prudence’s father. Faustus would definitely choose the Horned Serpent, where he could hone his scheming abilities.

Ambrose Spellman: Thunderbird

At first glance, Ambrose looks like he might be claimed by Horned Serpent. He certainly proves himself to be clever when helping Sabrina solve problems, one of which was actually a bluff about a warding spell he hadn’t really cast around the house.

However, Thunderbird would also want Ambrose. He’s not just smart; he’s wise, respectful, kind, and loyal. His advice doesn’t come out like a command, and he can be very introspective. He is less concerned about the smart thing to do and more concerned with his own ethical compass, strange though it may look outside the Church of Night. Between the two, Ambrose would choose Thunderbird.

Nicholas Scratch: Horned Serpent

Nick Scratch is a great candidate for Horned Serpent. Granted, the viewer mostly sees Nick in school because that’s where he and Sabrina meet. But his interest in the acheron configuration and Edward Spellman’s work suggests that he very much makes decisions with his head.

If any house were going to contest this, it might be Pukwudgie. Nick has lamented to Sabrina that warlocks don’t love the same way that mortals do, and he ends up sacrificing himself for her to trap Lucifer, whom he’d worshiped as his dark lord. But, if given the choice, Nick would go with Horned Serpent. He just wouldn’t believe Pukwudgie was right for him.

Prudence Night: Wampus

Prudence is another witch who knows what she wants - power. She starts at the bottom of the social ladder as an orphan in the Church of Night and is tempted by the possibility of power when she learns she’s Blackwood’s daughter. She fights ruthlessly for what she wants, and shows she’ll use her body as a tool when she helps Sabrina seduce and mess with some bullies. That makes her an easy pick for Wampus.

Yet Thunderbird may also stake a claim on Prudence; she’s so devout in her faith that she’s willing to be sacrificed to the Dark Lord and cannibalized. But Prudence would choose Wampus because she sees herself as a warrior.

Rosalind Walker: Pukwudgie

Rosalind isn’t a witch, but it’s still interesting to think what house she’d be in. The obvious pick is Horned Serpent, who would prize her for her defense of challenging literature. But Pukwudgie would also stake a claim on Rosalind, who is always there for her friends and ready to defend them.

Rosalind helps start WICCA to help other people who have been bullied or oppressed in some way. And she helps Sabrina gather people for her “coming out” party as a witch. Since Rosalind values people, she’d choose heart over head. That puts her in Pukwudgie.

Harvey Kinkle: Thunderbird

Harvey’s dominant aspect isn’t obvious but there are some clues. He’s an artist, for starters, and he’s a pretty supportive boyfriend and friend, even when he doesn’t really understand what’s going on. He readily accepts Theo’s transition, he tries to understand Sabrina being a witch, and he still tries to help her stop the Herald of Hell prophecy even after what happened with his brother’s bad resurrection.

Harvey belongs in Thunderbird. He’s a soulful, gentle person who tries to be open to new things and different ways of life. Pukwudgie may contest, since he has a good heart, but Harvey’s an adventurer. He’d go with Thunderbird.

Theo Putnam: Wampus

Theo probably has the clearest makings of a warrior out of Sabrina’s friends. This is the kind of person that Wampus supposedly favors. He wanted to fight back against his bullies, which is why he asked Sabrina for a spell that ended up breaking a bone. But more importantly, with guidance from his ancestor, he’s investigated supernatural things in Greendale (like tunnel 13 of the mine) and helped kick butt.

He’s the one who killed the mandrakes that fake-Sabrina tried to make of him and their friends. Thunderbird might challenge over Theo’s sense of adventure, but he would choose to be thought of as a fighter.

Sabrina Spellman: Thunderbird

Sabrina is a leader first and foremost. She doesn’t simply obey orders and wants to know why things are done the way they are. She has a fierce loyalty to her friends and family, whom she’ll protect at all costs. And she’s very concerned about doing the right thing, even if the right thing is giving up her magic and becoming mortal. She’s clever enough to find ways out of sticky situations as well. This makes her a tough call.

She may be the rare witch who gets chosen by all 4 houses. If one could be eliminated, it might be Horned Serpent, since she seems very bright but not stuck in her head like some people. Out of the other three, Sabrina would choose Thunderbird. She’s on a mission to do the right thing but to do it on her terms. She has the spirit of adventure.