Season 8 of Chicago Fire is set to bring in more fireworks with the guest appearance of Gabby Dawson later on. But still, that doesn’t mean our main cast of characters hasn’t been through the wringer themselves. With the loss of Otis, the members of House 51 have found themselves in a bit of a personal and emotional rut.

With 8.5 seasons under their belt, the time has come for some characters to possibly move on and others to grow. But who? If given a choice, who would you want to take a step back and who would you place in their position to get more screen time? Here are 5 characters from Chicago Fire who need more screen time and 5 who deserve less.

Wallace Boden (Less)

Chief Boden is the leader of House 51. However, following his personal life has not been the most exciting for Chicago Fire fans. Boden is a strong voice but the writers haven’t made a concrete decision in 7+ seasons as to which direction they want his character to go in.

For some, Boden doesn’t get enough screen time. That’s in large part due to the lack of direction in which his character faces weekly. Should Boden be all about the House or personal life? Since it hasn’t been determined, the writers must give Boden less screen time and focus their attention elsewhere.

Joe Cruz (More)

It’s time to let Cruz shine. He’s played 4th-5th fiddle long enough. With his best friend gone, Cruz must begin to think about himself more and less of others. His heart is pure gold, but he needs to take lessons on how Casey, Severide, and Boden conduct business.

It would be great to see more of his personal life as he transitions into his next chapter. He still makes those boneheaded mistakes and decisions but Season 8 could be his breakout year as Chicago Fire moves forward.

Matt Casey (Less)

As the unofficial star of Chicago Fire, maybe it’s time that Casey took a backseat as well. It’s no fault of his own but the heartbreak we’ve had to endure while following Casey proves that we need an emotional break. From losing a girlfriend to a wife to kids and those he’s tried to rescue, it not only has taken a toll on Casey but fans as well.

He’s a great character, but its time he just fades a bit into the background moving forward. His love life can’t get right and at times, the job has added extra stress on a person that a non-save away from snapping. Let’s not see one of our favorite characters go through that.

Christopher Herrmann (More)

Tough call here as Herrmann has been with Chicago Fire from the start. However, what sets him apart from Casey and Severide is that Chris has always been that voice in the darkness. We can hear but not always see him. Now, saddled with more responsibility, it would be wise to give Herrmann more screen time.

For starters, he’s the funny one. He takes the most risk in his personal life and his wisdom, well, let’s just say, it’s not always on point. Seeing less of Herrmann is a bad idea. We need his tough love, yet caring persona on Chicago Fire more.

Kelly Severide (Less)

It was great that they moved Severide away from the playboy character they tried to have him portray in the first two seasons. It’s great to see him want to settle down but had that taken some edge of the character we’ve grown to love? He deserved more screen time as Kelly still had issues he was dealing with.

How deep are the writers willing to go with Severide? Or, the bigger question should be, can they go any deeper? Severide has been through a lot and as a main figure on Chicago Fire, he’s considered an old influence.

Otis (More)

I know he’s dead but he wasn’t supposed to die. Otis was just coming into his own on Chicago Fire and fans fell as though they were robbed of a great character and potential storyline. Since the beginning, Otis has always wanted to find his own way. It was tough watching him die and his absence has been felt throughout Season 8.

He finally found love. He found a purpose outside of the Firehouse with Molly’s and Molly North and as soon as he was getting more time, they killed him off. One of the worst moves by the writers.

Sylvie Brett (Less)

Brett is a fan favorite. However, the question regarding her is, has she reached her peak? With Sylvie, she hit Chicago Fire like a tornado. Backstory, love interest, and all her emotions were basically displayed in her first two seasons. So now, what’s left for her to achieve? While she’s still dealing with matters of her heart, the writers appear to be scrambling or gasping for straws in terms of a new storyline.

Brett is still a vital part of the show but a smaller role may suit her and fans well. Give the viewers time to miss Sylvie being forced in our faces and make us want her back. As one of the sincerest voices on the show, losing her entirely would be a travesty.

Emily Foster (More)

There’s something there. It has to be. When Sylvie came in, there was no mystery. The same goes for Ritter. But with Emily, she has a layer the writers have not figured into yet. She’s tough, smart, witty, and beautiful underneath. There has to be something lurking.

Everyone in House 51 has their demons and we’ve yet to see that other side of Emily. Her personal life gave House 51 its first bisexual member. But still, where’s the story on that? She has more to offer and hopefully, by the end of season 8, we’ll have a better understanding.

Stella Kidd (Less)

Kidd is in the same boat as Brett. Awesome characters but have we seen them at their best? We’ve seen Kidd at her lowest and seen her pretty high. We’ve been through the crazy ex-husband, her fights for Severide, and her quest for independence. We’ve seen her grow into a great firefighter. What more does Kidd have to offer?

Now, if the rumors are true, Kidd could be out this season or next according to Country Living. If that’s true, then she really deserves less screen time.

Darren Ritter (More)

Ritter is deserving of more screen time. With the House settled, it’s time to open up the closed doors for a few of the new ones. While the cast has remained intact throughout its first 8.5 seasons, members like Darren Ritter are still getting their feet wet.

With his sexuality now out, the writers can explore different possibilities. We know that Emily is a bisexual but that storyline went flat just as quick as it came. Let’s get more in-depth with Ritter and see if he can warm our hearts. We need a new Otis.