In order to have a successful TV show, you must take the good with the bad. With Chicago Fire currently in its 8th season, it’s to be believed that they have had their fair share of great episodes and a handful of bad ones. Today, we will head over to IMDb and see where they rank a few of the Chicago Fire episodes.

Action, explosions, love triangles, and death are all staples in the NBC hit drama. However, trying to pick which episodes you either love or hate is not an easy task. Here are 10 of the worse episodes of Chicago Fire according to IMDb.

Forgive You Anything (Season 3, Episode 17) Rating 8.1

Mouch has a daughter he’s never met, Mills is in competition to regain a spot, and Brett is getting tired of Cruz being so boring in their relationship. Just another day at House 51, right? To top things off, Severide brings in an old friend who just happens to have a checky past according to Otis.

Severide has his friend’s back and is ready to defend him against anybody within earshot. Also, Rice informs Kelly that there is another of their old friends in the city working at Chicago Med. Kelly shows up but is met with a little resistance as his past actions are thrown in his face.

Ambition (Season 1, Episode 20) Rating 8.1

With the decision to join Squad, Mills is feeling the heat from the other House members. With a new ride-along in the ambulance, Shay and Dawson must give their assessment of Tara’s performance. Gabby delivers the truth that she doesn’t think that Tara is cut out for a busy firehouse.

But then things get a bit weird at the House when Tara accuses Severide of luring her to his home only to sexually assault her. Is this Tara’s way of getting back at Dawson and Shay? While at Molly’s, Dawson and Casey draw closer right before Hallie pulls up to let Casey know that she’s back in town.

Fireworks (Season 1, Episode 18) Rating 8.1

In what could’ve been one of the best episodes, IMDb feels that the writers dropped the ball here. With Beenie and Boden still going back and forth over the death of a friend, Mills is caught in the middle as he still has questions regarding his father. What makes situations worse is that Dawson decides to stick her nose into the business and Boden tells her to back out of it.

On a funny note, Shay is interested in sperm donors for her baby but she and Dawson catch a glimpse of Mouch’s profile on the donor site. Boden tells Bennie that he’s not welcomed but Beenie being stubborn, still comes by which causes more problems. The episode ends with Severide offering a position to Mills to join Squad.

God Has Spoken (Season 1, Episode 11) Rating 8.1

It’s time for Severide to grow up. With his addiction and immaturity growing, Severide is pushing away everyone in his life that means something to him. However, with Shay’s injury after the accident, Severide decides enough is enough and begins to see the error of his ways.

As for Casey, his family problems are not going away anytime soon. He begins to clash with his sister as Casey chooses his mother’s side. Casey wants to give his mom another chance but his sister is refusing to go along with the plan thus resulting in their mother not getting her parole. Even Cruz is going through a bit of a dilemma as his guilt about leaving a gang member to die in a burning building is eating him up.

Two Families (Season 1, Episode 7) Rating 8.1

Severide, still hiding the truth that he’s injured, has to avoid orders to take a mandatory drug test after the House was exposed to chemicals on an earlier call. Despite running into buildings to put their lives on the line, our favorite firefighters sometimes find themselves in other dangers.

“Two Families” found the House pinned between two gangs in the middle of a shootout. If putting themselves on the line running into burning buildings wasn’t enough of a risk, the writers took it to another level this episode.

Nazdarovya (Season 1, Episode 15) Rating 8

As owners of Molly’s, Otis and Herrmann begin to learn how business was conducted at the bar before they came on board. Gabby and Antonio team up to take down a drug dealer but Gabby, going full stream, goes against her brother’s orders and tries to handle things herself after he’s shot.

In efforts to mend a broken relationship, Casey and his mother are still dealing with the issues involving his father’s death and her incarceration. He wants to know why she shot their father but the mother refuses to give out any information.

Hanging on (Season 1, Episode 5) Rating 8

Matt has had enough of Voight’s gifts, threats, and harassment and decides he wants to go on the offensive himself. With Severide dealing with an arm injury, he looks to an old girlfriend for help. Gabby, never the one to back down if put in a corner or feeling as if one of her patients need protecting, finds herself in a fight with a civilian.

Herrmann decides to continue to take risks and finds himself caught up in a Ponzi scheme. Since Matt is off the table thanks to his relationship with Hallie, Gabby looks to Mills for the attention she wants from another.

One Minute (Season 1, Episode 4) Rating 8

During a routine call to a warehouse fire, the team rushes in only to lose a life in the blaze. According to Mills, he could have saved the man’s life if he had just a few more moments. However, Chief Wallace Boden saw how deadly the fire was getting and decided to pull his team out.

The family, not understanding his logic decided to sue the city for letting their loved one die. In what would become one of the better storylines over the course of Chicago Fire, Hank Voight, the bad cop, tries his best to make Casey see things his way.

Mon Amour (Season 1, Episode 2) Rating 7.9

Episode 2 begins with a disaster as a construction site goes down. Still dealing with the fallout for Darren’s death, Kelly and Matt are still at odds. The new candidate, Peter Mills is still in search of acceptance in the House and we’re giving our first glimpse into how Chicago Fire will pull at our heartstrings with a dying man’s last wish.

With Matt’s and Hallie’s relationship still not on solid ground, Matt decides to try to work it out despite the attention he’s getting from his coworker Dawson.

Pilot (Season 1, Episode 1) Rating 7.7

In the initial episode, House 51 began on a somber note after the death of one of its members. Although we didn’t know Darren, we saw the outcome of his demise play out for us. Matt Casey and Kelly Severide, who would become staples in our hearts as main characters would begin Chicago Fire at odds over their grief.

We would learn early on that Gabby has tunnel vision as she performs a risky procedure to save a girl’s life. Christopher Herrmann also takes one for the team and we get the introduction to Peter Mills and the secrets that his presence brings to House 51.

Next: Chicago Fire: 10 Best Episodes (According To IMDb)