House 51 has devoted their lives to protecting and saving others despite the constant dangers they face every time that bell goes off. For guys like Kelly Severide, Matt Casey, Christopher Herrmann, and Joe Cruz, it’s all in a day’s work. However, the ladies of House 51 are just as fierce. Gabrielle Dawson, Sylvie Brett, and Stella Kidd put their lives on the line as well for residents who may or may not want their help.

Through seven seasons, members of House 51 have seen and been through some tough situations. But if given a chance, where and how would you rank the top 10 heartbreaking scenes in Chicago Fire?

Death Of Hallie

When we first met Matt Casey, he was engaged to Hallie Thomas. While there was strong chemistry between Matt and Gabby, neither really made a move. The Matt and Hallie relationship was good but it wasn’t without its fair share of issues. But still, we grew to love Matt and to see him hurt after her death was just too much for us to bear. That may be the reason why the writers threw Matt and Gabby together so fast.

Although Hallie was only in Season 1, her death set the toe for the rest f the series. No one was safe. During an investigation, it was revealed that Hallie was indeed murdered due to her being a witness to a drug operation at the clinic where she worked. The fire was supposed to cover it up, but Matt found her in time that her body wasn’t badly burned.

Herrmann Getting Stabbed

Christopher Herrmann can be a bit strange and worrisome, but in the end, he has a heart of gold. Joe Cruz befriended a troubled kid named Freddie in Season 4. With Freddie no longer welcomed at the Firehouse, Otis and Herrmann decided to offer him a job at Molly’s as a busboy.

Amid constant joking from Herrmann about his appearance. Freddie asks Herrmann to take the joke back. But Herrmann not realizing how serious the situation was, refused. Freddie grabs a steak knife and stabs Herrmann, leaving him in a pool of blood.

Rebecca Jones Takes Her Own Life

There are situations where life is just not fair. Growing up, she wanted nothing more than to follow in her father’s and brother’s footsteps and become a firefighter. However, in her father’s eyes, he couldn’t take this standing up. After fighting to be one of the first female firefighters, Rebecca had no idea, the real fight was just beginning.

Rebecca did not fit in with House 51 when she first arrived. By the time she did, her father threatened the jobs of Matt and Chief Boden by telling them to sit Rebecca behind a desk where she belongs. Boden told her that he would not do that but in the end, the damage was already done to her psyche. Rebecca would go home, write a note to Gabby, then proceed to take her own life.

No Goodbye For Connie

Connie was more than the assistant to Chief Boden. Connie held the House together with her wit, sense of humor, and direct approach. But the death of actress DuShon Monique Brown forced the writer’s hand and fans never really had a chance to say their proper goodbye.

What also hurt more than that was that the house just hasn’t been the same. Connie was a bright spot in a place that’s often filled with laughter and tears. She was the one person who would give advice whether you wanted it or not.

Gabby’s Last Scene With Matt

This is the couple fans waited for on Chicago Fire. The chemistry was always there between the two and despite many setbacks, we rooted for them. However, something was always off. Neither could really wrap their head around the problem and that’s what caused Gabby to run to Puerto Rico. But in Season 7, she returned and for a slight moment, Matt believed his wife was there to stay.

What made this hard to watch was the fact that Gabby still showed that selfish side when she didn’t have to. She understood her actions broke his heart but there was little remorse in their last scene together.

The Death Of Anna

Although not a main character on Chicago Fire, fans felt Anna’s death due to their love for Kelly Severide. Severide was the bachelor playboy who gave his heart to a woman he believed was given a second chance at life. Little did he or any of us know, that time would be shortlived. When Anna’s health issues returned, it was just a matter of time before the pain hit for Kelly.

With Kelly by her side until the end, Anna left this world, leaving a heartbroken Severide and fans in the process. It was a classic case of boy meets girl, boy loses girls, finds her, and ultimately loses her forever. The scene was hard to watch as Anna said all the right things but in the end, the man who saves people for a living, could not save the one person who needed it the most.

Gabby And Matt Lose Their Baby

What was the downfall of Matt and Gabby’s marriage? It wasn’t the loss of Louie or infidelity, it was the fact that Gabby could not have kids. She was pregnant and ready to risk her life to have the baby. Matt was against it and offered up adoption as an option. Buy Gabby refused, thinking back to what the couple endured when it came to Louie.

After Gabby loss the baby, she was never the same, nor was their marriage. This was the perfect way for the writers to end Gabby’s (Monica Raymund) storyline as she would later leave Matt and head off to Puerto Rico.

The Loss Of Baby Louie

Matt Casey and Gabriela Dawson tried to have a child. It just wasn’t in the cards for them to do it naturally. They came across a young child name Louie, who turned their world upside down. Despite the difference in ethnic backgrounds, Louie was the perfect fit for their family. Even with their relationship on the rocks, they found a way to make it work and accepted Louie as their own.

But there was one issue they didn’t see coming. His father. Louie’s biological father did not know Louie existed. Once he did, he wanted his son. Gabby and Matt, was ready to put it all on the line. But in the end, the couple knew in their hearts they could not do this to the father, his family, and Louie.

The Death Of Shay

The first main character from House 51 to lose their life. Shay, despite her short time on the show, was the heart and soul of Chicago Fire. She was the only one who could yell at you one minute, then hug you two seconds later as if nothing happened. But it was her relationship with Severide that made her death so hard to take. More than coworkers, they were roommates and best friends.

Her death set the tone for what appeared to be a family-oriented show. A death of a major character is always hard to fathom but Shay died on her won terms by doing what she always did–saving a life.

Otis’ Last Words

The start of Season 8 offered Chicago Fire fans a huge blow. With Otis and the rest of the squad trapped inside a burning building at the end of Season 7, many expected all to come out unscathed. But such was not the case for one of our favorite characters. Even with the burns, we expected Otis to pull through. I mean, he’s been shot, told he probably wouldn’t walk again, and yet, he made it back to the truck.

Otis lying in a hospital bed was tough to watch but it was even harder watching Joe Cruz by his bedside. With the rest of House 51 in the waiting room, it was only fitting that the heartbreaking moment was between the two brothers. With Joe admitting that his friend was gone, Otis offered up his last words; “Brother, I will be with you always”.