As recently announced by The Farm 51, the developers behind 2017’s Get Even, Chernobylite is a science-fiction survival horror title headed to PC and consoles in the fall. Taking place 30 years after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the survival-horror game focuses around a physicist who returns to the horrifying site to find a lost loved one.

Of course, this task will not be easy, and the situation at Chernobyl has not improved since the preceding nuclear catastrophe. Pollution levels continue to rise due to a dangerous substance that emerged from the explosion, and stalkers roam the irradiated zone, telling tales of strange occurrences in the area.

In order to survive the horrors that populate the world of Chernobylite, players will need to carefully prepare. This includes making use of the game’s crafting system in order to build up a cache of helpful gear and supplies. With these tools in hand, players can freely explore, hunting for clues that will unravel the mysteries of the zone. 

However, there is no time to dally, as each day in the game will add to the “ever-increasing severity of your current situation.” Players are advised to plan their strategies well if they wish to elude the adversarial military personnel and supernatural forces that inhabit the zone. 

Chernobylite is currently in development, with a Fall 2019 release date. It utilizes Unreal Engine 4 and employs Reality 51’s scanning technology to create a “horrifyingly accurate 3D-scanned recreation of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.”

While the release of Chernobylite is still months away, the announcement of the title is certain to pique the interest of many genre fans. Fortunately for these players, the upcoming post-launch content for Resident Evil 2 remake means that there will be no lack of horror to enjoy in the upcoming months.

More details on Chernobylite can be found on the game’s website.