With the overload of Metroidvania games being put out every week, Chasm has stood out amongst the crowd due to its solid gameplay, engaging story and fun boss battles. Tackling the big bads in this game has a classic gaming feel to it and these tips & tricks will have you mastering them in no time. Each boss also provides a special item reward if you can defeat them without taking any damage.

Chasm tells the story of an aspiring knight on a quest to save a mining town that produces resources essential to the knight clan’s survival. Multiple melee weapons, spells, and procedurally generated maps make every playthrough of the town feel completely different than the last. However, the one thing that will stay consistent is the bosses. Big bads whose only goal is to end your life. Defeating them will require different skills from your character and below we detail how to handle each one.


The first boss you’ll be facing off against in Chasm is the Wendigo, he’s a fairly easy guy to get around but he does move fast. You have to keep sharp to dodge his teleport move, where he disappears and reappears behind you with a strike. Most likely, this early in the game you’ll only have your spear, but that will be good enough to take him down. Whenever he charges towards you just jump out of the way and he’ll stun himself on the walls, leaving him open to a barrage of hits. Patience and quick hops will take this guy down no problem.

  • No Damage Bonus: Wendigo Claw

Bone Worm

Bone Worm is an easy kill utilizing your ranged weapon. His attacks are pretty simple and easy to dodge. Whenever he pokes his head out of the ground and spits the green blobs just focus on dodging them, he’s relatively hard to hit on this attack. However, when you see him charging his energy shot get ready, immediately after he shoots it he will be vulnerable for a solid 4-5 easy hits.

  • No Damage Bonus: Bone Worm Armor


Titan has lots of different attacks: he’ll shoot orbs from his eyes, smash his fists, drop fireballs from above. Once you see each attack pattern it becomes a game of dodge and hit. The club or longsword is the way to go in this fight, he will always be above you making him easy to jump and slash at. After some damage, he will begin moving and attacking faster which makes it a bit more difficult to get in those hits. Just keep moving and you’ll be through this fight in no time.

  • No Damage Bonus: Titan’s Hammer

King Trell

King Trell is all over the place in this battle. The scale of the room makes it very easy to dodge almost all his attacks. He’ll slash at you and throw his spinning sword towards you but they are all easily avoidable. Utilize a high speed/high damage weapon here and you’ll make mincemeat out of him in no time. The only time you’ll ever want to use a spell is if King Trell is far away from you, but for the most part, keep him in swing distance.

  • No Damage Bonus: Trell’s Sword


Probably the hardest Chasm boss on this list, Shaman moves fast and flies which makes it difficult to get those hits in. Use a whip or longsword with high damage to make each hit count. He will throw everything at you, orbs, flying crows, himself. Shaman don’t care. Just focus on being defensive, dodging and getting in those swings when the time is right. There’s no point in worrying about the no damage bonus as he is the final boss and the game will end after you defeat him, plus it’s really hard to do.

  • No Damage Bonus: N/A

There you have it. Chasm is a well-executed game that doesn’t overstay it’s welcome and it’s boss fights are equally challenging and fun. You can get it on Steam, Xbox, PS4 or the Nintendo Switch.

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