Both Chrisley and Medders experienced childhood in various sorts of families, with Chrisley being one of five and Medders being one of three.

“I will have as many as she’s ready to. It’s not my body,” Chrisley said of his fantasy family, adding assuming that he needed to figure, “I say three children.”

“I couldn’t say whether I need to extend it that big,” Chrisley said, referring to his own loved ones.

Medders is available to anything that life brings them, adding, “That is a great deal, yet no one can say with any certainty.” Family is critical to both Chrisley and Medders, as the truth star shocked his life partner by having their families conceal in the burrows as he proposed in the 12,000-seat arena, where he had 175,000 flower petals laid on the field looking like a heart.

“My father is debilitated with ALS, so it was extremely extraordinary second that he could make a trip to Nashville and be on the field,” Medders made sense of.

— Hollywood NEWS (@iHoIIywoodNews) September 19, 2022

Added Chrisley, “It was truly significant for me that her father was there to see it.” “I was so shocked,” said Medders. “I had no clue it was working out.”