In the 90s, three sisters learned they were a very special type of witch. Known as the Charmed Ones, their series ran on the WB and featured all manner of magical mythology. The WB might be no more, but Charmed lives on with a rebooted version of the series on the CW with the Vera sisters taking on the role of the Halliwells as they learn about their family history and battle supernatural baddies. 

The original Charmed series had their own version of Harry Potter’s Hogwarts in their later seasons as the central characters ran a magical school. Something like that has yet to make an appearance in the rebooted Charmed, so instead, we’re looking at just where the main characters would wind up if they donned the sorting hat at Hogwarts.

Charity: Slytherin

An elder and whitelighter, Charity played a large role in season one of the series as the newly Charmed Ones dealt with all the rules of magic as they were laid out for them. Though Charity was an elder, she spent more time with the Vera sisters and their whitelighter than she did on her own responsibilities.

Charity’s role as an elder meant that she spent a lot of time hiding things from witches and holding on to the power of her position. Though Charity wasn’t a malicious Slytherin, she was still very much a Slytherin, playing her cards close to the vest.

Harry: Hufflepuff

Season two revealed that in order to become a whitelighter, Harry’s essence had to be split in two. The worst parts of him created a darklighter, while the best parts of him created the Harry the audience knows best. That Harry is definitely a Hufflepuff.

Harry is the utmost in loyalty, always putting the witches he’s supposed to protect first. He’s also incredibly hard working, taking on the role of protector, teacher, friend, and ultimately, family member for the Vera sisters. He puts in as much work to unravel the mysteries – if not more – than they do.

Parker: Gryffindor

Despite Parker’s turn in season two, he’s not truly a villain. He fell into the role of demonic leader thanks to his heritage and a power vacuum. Parker does genuinely want to make the world a peaceful and balanced place where demons don’t senselessly kill witches, but the manipulations of the people around him have prevented that.

Parker is still a Gryffindor. He bravely faces off against demons to protect witches, even though he knows that’s against their nature. Even in the first season, he eventually embraced the demon parts of himself to protect the people he cared about instead of continually running away from his problems.

Abigael: Slytherin

Introduced in season two as a captured witch, Abigael revealed herself as Parker’s half-sister. Like Parker, she’s got demon blood, but from her mother’s side of the family, she’s also got witch ancestry, making her one powerful opponent for the Charmed Ones.

Of course, Abigael embraced her dark side long before Parker and wanting to prove herself just as powerful as the male demons who’ve knocked her down, decided to find a way to become the new ruler – with or without her brother’s help. She uses her strategic and underhanded efforts to become a frenemy of the Vera sisters, just like a Slytherin.

Niko: Ravenclaw

When a character is a police detective who finds themselves getting closer to the truth about the supernatural, there’s a good chance they should be sorted into one of two houses: Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. In Niko’s case, though she’s extremely brave and doesn’t back down, Ravenclaw suits her best.

Without her knowledge of the supernatural, Niko still manages to figure out that something isn’t quite right in the latter half of season one. She’s able to follow the evidence she’s gathered to find a coven of witches – though she’s under the impression they’re a cult. If Niko had the chance to interact more with the world of the Vera sisters, she’d likely be a valuable asset to them.

Jordan: Gryffindor

A newer character for season two, Jordan is one of the “visionaries” at Safe Space that Maggie connects with. He would be a good candidate for Hufflepuff since he runs his own gym, goes to law school, and always finds time to help Maggie when she needs a hand. Instead, the sorting hat places him in Gryffindor thanks to his immense bravery in the face of some pretty weird circumstances.

When Maggie and her sisters are in the middle of weirdness - and even violent encounters - Jordan is first in line to help them without even knowing all of the details. He’s very much the kind of guy who looks out for the underdogs and wants to make a difference in the world. Jordan even stood up to both Parker (who was using his demonic abilities) and the ghost of a witch that cursed his ancestors. 

Marisol: Slytherin

Like Charity, Marisol isn’t a malicious Slytherin. She isn’t conniving or ambitious in a way that solely benefits her. Instead, Marisol is secretive in order to protect her daughters and fellow witches.

She works with different members of the group of elders to do what she thinks is right, but she also hides a lot from the average witch. Marisol’s husband doesn’t even know about her abilities during their relationship, and she hides that part of her life from her daughters as well, despite secretly helping them hone skills they’ll need as witches all along.

Macy: Ravenclaw

The oldest sister of the Charmed Ones, Macy is a unique individual when it comes to learning magic. She uses her knowledge of science - which she’s loved her entire life - to bolster her experiences as a witch. Macy, as a geneticist learning about her witchy roots, is very much a Ravenclaw.

Throughout the series, Macy is the one ready to research and experiment before tackling any new magical obstacles. She’s determined to figure out, not just how to save people with their powers, but just how magic works for the Vera sisters. Her fascination with the world around her, and her intelligence, makes this one a no-brainer for the sorting hat.

Mel: Hufflepuff

Before learning about Macy’s existence, Mel always thought of herself as the big sister in the house. As a result, she’s taken on a lot of the responsibilities and even followed in her mother’s footsteps in Women’s Studies. Mel’s connection to her family, her willingness to put in the work as a witch or a professor, and her caregiver instincts make her a Hufflepuff.

Of course, Mel’s commitment to doing the right thing can sometimes backfire on her. When she wanted to keep Niko safe in the first season, she made the decision to strip Niko of her memories, something that violated the trust Niko developed with her when she discovered the truth.

Maggie: Gryffindor

As the youngest of the Veras, Maggie is often the most impulsive. She follows her instincts, no matter what. Her tendency to follow her emotions comes in handy with her empathic powers, and also prove that she’s a Gryffindor.

In addition to her tendency to allow her emotions the lead, Maggie also demonstrates some serious bravery in the series. Despite not having a power that allows her offensive abilities, Maggie learns how to defend herself in hand-to-hand combat, and holds her own against the supernatural. She’s also someone who loves to be the center of attention, which doesn’t always work out for a person who is supposed to lay low.