Sometimes it’s hard to imagine two fictional worlds crossing over because they feel like they’re, well, a world a way. But that definitely is not the case when it comes to the Harry Potter fictional universe and the fictional universe of Charmed. Aside from the fact that Charmed focuses on a trio of witches, the later years of Charmed even included it’s very own Hogwarts-style magic school for young witches.

The Halliwell charmed ones were already a nearly unstoppable force in witchcraft, but they would have been unimaginably powerful if they had been trained and educated in magic from the time that they were children. Plus, it undoubtedly would have been awesome for them to socialize with other witches besides each other. So if the charmed ones and the rest of their family and friends had been sent off to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which Hogwarts house would they have wound up in?

Wyatt Halliwell: Ravenclaw

Even before Wyatt Halliwell was born he was poised to either become the messiah of the magic world or the Antichrist of the magic world, and for an uncomfortably long time it seemed like he was going to wind up the latter instead of the former.

But Wyatt’s potentially evil future wound up not coming to pass in the end, and what really sets Wyatt apart as a character is his insane abilities and understanding of magic. He has even the charmed ones beat in terms of sheer power, and the mere fact that he was doing magic in utero means that this kid is too smart to be anywhere besides Ravenclaw.

Billie Jenkins: Gryffindor

Billie Jenkins was a late entry into the world of Charmed, but she definitely was more than willing to shake things up once she arrived on the scene. Billie’s main story line was her quest to find her sister Christy and save her, and Billie was willing to do whatever it took to achieve her ends.

She thrust herself into a dangerous and unknown world for the sake of saving someone else, which is why Billie belongs in Gryffindor. That kind of bravery and tenacity are the exact kind of traits that would have made Godric Gryffindor himself very proud.

Cole Turner: Slytherin

Cole Turner is one Charmed character who very clearly belongs in Slytherin, and not just because he’s one of the major bad guys. Cole is a demon, yes, but as everyone saw throughout the course of his relationship with Phoebe he is also a very emotional, caring, and giving individual.

And he belongs in Slytherin not because he’s evil, but because he is one of the most manipulative and underhanded characters in the entire Charmed universe. He was sometimes being cunning and wily for the sake of good, or at least for the sake of Phoebe, but he was almost always being dishonest with everyone in some way.

Darryl Morris: Ravenclaw

Police officer Darryl Morris is one of the most important people in the lives of the Halliwell sisters, and he has dealt with the magical world and all of the horrors it can bring with it much better than the average human would have.

Darryl has found himself going toe to toe with demons and monsters on a pretty regular basis since he found out what was what, and the very fact that he has managed to survive on his wits alone without any powers or abilities makes him an ideal fit for house Ravenclaw at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Chris Halliwell: Slytherin

Chris Halliwell is ultimately and unequivocally one of the good guys, but he doesn’t want anyone to know that. Chris showed up as an extremely mysterious figure and he always played his cards close to the vest.

Yes, he arrived in this era because he was trying to prevent his older brother Wyatt from turning dark, but he hid his motives from everyone as much as he could. Even when he could have, and probably should have, trusted his entire family with his mission, he chose to go about his work in a very sneaky and cunning way, which is why he’s absolutely a Slytherin.

Leo Wyatt: Hufflepuff

Leo Wyatt is undeniably a heroic man. He was in his human life as well as in his white lighter life. However, Leo’s true desires and values are much closer to home than in the lofty world of epic heroes. Leo is a loyal and kind-hearted individual, and his heroism is more driven by his desire to help real people in crisis than anything else.

And he was very willing to give up whatever he had to in order to create and protect his family with Piper even if it meant going against what the higher powers wanted, which makes him a total Hufflepuff.

Prue Halliwell: Hufflepuff

The mother of the Halliwell sisters died when the girls were still young, and their grandmother was the woman who raised them. But once Grams was gone there was enormous void for a motherly figure in the family, which Prue Halliwell seemed to take to quite naturally.

Prue is definitely brave enough to be a Gryffindor and smart enough to be a Ravenclaw, but taking care of her sisters is her number one priority, which is why she is best suited to Hufflepuff. And Prue is always first into the fray because of it, not because she wants to play hero but because she wants to be the one between any danger and Phoebe and Piper.

Paige Matthews: Gryffindor

Once Prue was gone it looked like the charmed ones may be broken for good. That was until Paige Matthews, the long lost youngest sister of the Halliwell clan, showed up. Paige was late to the party and always playing catch-up, but her gumption and courage made her a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Paige is a very independent spirit and doesn’t deal well with being told what to do, but she also expects a lot of herself and is always willing to be first into any fight if she feels like she needs to be. Paige is definitely a Gryffindor through and through.

Phoebe Halliwell: Gryffindor

Maybe it’s just part of being the youngest child in the family, but it seems like both Paige, the real youngest, and Phoebe, who thought she was the youngest in the Halliwell family, are both very bold and brave ladies. Phoebe was a bit of a wild child and is very good at getting what she wants.

She also doesn’t shy away from anything that she feels she has to do, even if everyone else is telling her not to. And despite the fact that her power doesn’t grant her any control over the physical world she’s always in the thick of any battle.

Piper Halliwell: Ravenclaw

Piper Halliwell is kind of the jack of all trades in the Halliwell family. She plays the mediator in the sister trio most of all, but she can play the leader when she needs to and she can be the one to pull everyone back when they’re chomping at the bit for a fight.

Piper’s flexibility means that she could probably be put into any house in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but the fact that she can so easily mold herself in any role means that she’s smart enough to adapt, which makes her an ideal fit for Ravenclaw.